Eatonton Medical & Surgical Center
132 Sparta Hwy
Eatonton, GA 31024
We recognize many patients do not feel comfortable making in-person offices visits amid the COVID-19 crisis. For returning patients, Eatonton Medical & Surgical Center is now offering Telemedicine Doctor visits for routine appointments through our partner provider
After setting up your appointment with our office, you will be sent a secure email with information on how to log into your virtual waiting room for your online Doctor visit. Your visit is billed the same was as your physical office visit, and you will meet face to face on video chat with your Doctor.
Only a computer browser or device with a camera and smartphone is needed. Information is private secure and compliant with HIPPA, PIPEDA, and GDPR.
We are excited to be able to offer this new service to our wonderful patients!
Call our office to find out more information and how easy it can be to set up your appointment today! - 706-485-8495
New Telemedicine Information
EMSC Now Offers Telemedicine!